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Disclaimers, Health & Safety Information

Section A, for all virtual FAByoga sessions (live and pre-recorded)

Anyone taking part in FAByoga sessions does so at their own risk and, in taking part, whether live or pre-recorded, must adhere to the following terms:


Margaret Simmons does not accept any responsibility for any individual nor groups of individuals, who may be participating in FAByoga sessions.


To take part in FAByoga sessions, you must be in good physical health. If you have been told, on health or medical grounds, that you should not take part in physical activity or sport, then you may not be able to join with certain aspects of the session(s). Where the practice is intended to assist with specific health issues, you must follow the teacher's guidance, listen to your own body and work within the limits of your own comfort. At no point should you continue if you experience any pain.


Medical advice must be sought if you are in any doubt as to whether you should take part in any FAByoga sessions.


You must make sure that the area you use for the session(s) is suitable. For movement sessions, the area must be,

  • a flat surface, except for the use of any required equipment

  • clear of any obstacles and distractions

  • spacious enough for the type of activity


By taking part in the session(s), you agree to the above terms.


Background information
From 1 November 2023, the British Wheel of Yoga - yoga's UK governing body - have extended their insurance to cover teaching online using any platform, and for the first time includes an "open audience" which means I am now able to teach students virtually who I haven't already taught in-person. More information available at

Section B, for Sound Bath sessions

You must consult your doctor before booking if any of the following apply,

  • You have epilepsy

  • You get noise-triggered migraines

  • You might be pregnant - especially during the first 12 weeks

  • You are being treated for cancer

  • You have PTSD

  • You have a serious mental health issue

  • You have carotid stenosis, a cardic pacemaker, artificial heart valves, cardiac arrhythmias, a stent, a shunt, or a deep brain stimulation device


Participation should not commence until 3 days after injuy, at the earliest, for anyone with whiplash.​


Reiki, reflexology and sound healing can all be used as complementary therapies alongside, but not instead of, conventional medical treatment.


If you’re experiencing any physical or mental health conditions, be sure to always consult your GP or medical professional.


Where stated, these sessions are a partnership between FAByoga and Kathryn Burrington of Meadow Therapies. These session take place as part of a series of case studies for Kathryn's Sound Healing Diploma (Groups) with the Sound Healing Academy.

​© 2024 by FAByoga

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